

Page history last edited by armchair.athlete@... 16 years, 9 months ago







The Barouche was unique in that the passenger seats were arranged facing eachother. It has two double seats with the front pair turned around facing the back pair. Passengers step up into the space between these seats to get on the vehicle. This vehicle featured a collapsible hood (calash) top like the Chaise, although it could not cover the entire vehicle. A driver sits in the front and leads two horses to power this four-wheeled ride. As a formal carriage, it was common to have ornate brasswork, woodwork, leather, and other marks of luxury in the construction of the Barouche.


This vehicle was very popular and was often used for fancy, leisurely occasions in the summertime. It would not typically be used for long journeys or on rough roads, contrary to Emma's plans.




Quick Facts


  • Capacity: 2-5 People
  • Average Speed: 5 mph
  • Power: 2-4 Horses
  • Cost: 3830 francs in 1864, or about $12,313.27 today




Appearances in Madame Bovary



         They were to elope the following month.  She would leave

    Yonville as though to go shopping in Rouen.  Rodolphe was to

    arrange for their reservations and their passports, and would

    write to Paris to make sure that they would have the coach to

    themselves as far as Marseilles.  There they would buy a

    barouche and continue straight on toward Genoa.  She would

    send her things to Lheureux's whence they would be loaded

    directly onto the Hirondelle, thus arousing no one's suspi-

    cions.  In all these plans there was never a mention of little

    Berthe.  Rodolphe avoided speaking of her, perhaps Emma had

    forgotten her. (Part 2, Ch 12)







"calash." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 18 Mar. 2008





“Coaching Terminology.” Cadillac Styling Section. April 2003. The Classic Car-Nection.


            18 Mar. 2008 <http://www.car-nection.com/yann/dbas_txt/Sty_apdx.htm>.



"Barouche.” Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 2008. Wikipedia. 7 Apr. 2008





"What is a Barouche?" conjecture corporation. 2008. wiseGEEK. 7 Apr. 2008





"barouche." Online Photograph. Lizzie Borden: Warps and Wefts. 8 Apr. 2008         




Kane, Sarah. "Turning Bibelots Into Museum Pieces: Josephine Coffin-Chevallier and the Creation of the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle." Journal of Design History (1996). 8 Apr. 2008 <http://jdh.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/9/1/1.pdf>. About the cost of this vehicle in the time period:

Josephine had a sixseater box at the Ope'ra and clearly had a smart carriage to take her there,

for there are bills in the museum from saddlers and coachbuilders and indeed one dated 15 June 1864 for

a new 'barouche' costing 3830 francs with tandem seats, blue cloth and leather interior, and devices on both doors.










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