Use this page to post information about sources for our project, including links.
Note: This page was more for initial research and is not a complete list of current sources. See the bottom of individual vehicle pages.
Transportation in the 19th Century by Michelle J. Hoppe
-has some books/articles mentioned on the bottom
Pictures and info about many of the vehicles of interest
-has some good info for our project
-“English Pleasure Carriages: origins, history, variety, materials, construction” by William Bridges Adams
Charabanc on wikipedia, has more links
Wheels: A Pictorial History
Coaching Terminology
Horse speed in MPH, how fast is your horse going?
Rambles on Railways (more on vehicle speed).
Roney, Cusack. Rambles on Railways. London: Effingham Wilson, 1868. (for more information on other types of carriage transportation and some pictures)
google images (to find pictures of carriage transportation used in Madame Bovary)
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