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Tilbury (p.38)

  • light, open, two-wheeled carriage with or without a top
  • cost?
  • large wheels that move fast over rough roads
  • fast, light, sportsy, and dangerous
  • spindle backed seat with curved padded backrest



In the text:


Part 3 Ch. 7

    "'Watch out!' The cry came from within a porte-cochere that was swinging open; she stopped, and out came a black horse, prancing between the shafts of a tilburry. A gentleman in sables was holding the reins. Who was he? She knew him.... The carriage leapt forward and was gone.


    The vicomte! It was the vicomte! She turned to stare: the street was empty. And the encounter left her so crusehd, so immeasurably sad, that she leaned against a wall to keep from falling." (Pg 352)


Part 2, Ch 13:

  Suddenly a blue tilbury crossed the square at a smart

    trot.  Emma gave a cry, fell abruptly backwards and lay on

    the floor.


         Rodolphe had decided, after a good deal of thought, to

    leave for Rouen.  Since the Yonville road was the only route

    from La Huchette to Buchy, he had to pass through the village,

    and Emma had recognized him in the glow of his carriage

    lights as they flashed in the gathering dusk like a streak of


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